young girl thinking

Considering a Job? Think Before You Accept

Before you say yes to your first job offer, think it through to make sure you’re prepared for what it takes.

When you consider any job, be sure you really want it, know you can do it well, and are willing to fulfill the commitment.

When you’re offered a job, make certain the duties are clear. Ask for a job description to review.

Make sure you understand the terms – the task, the hours and the pay. Before you say yes, repeat the offer to the employer to confirm your understanding of it.

Once you make the commitment, follow through. Do the best job you can.

Things to consider about taking a job

Think about the pros and cons of taking an outside job before you begin your search and make a commitment.

What goals are you trying to reach? Perhaps write them down for yourself before going on a job search.

What resources will you need? Will this job require transportation, special clothing or supplies?

Is the job you’re considering appropriate to your skills?

Will the job require many hours? Think about how you’ll balance family time, free time and school. Don’t overload yourself.

Will you be neglecting any previous commitments? Consider what activities you’ll have to give up in order to take on a job. Be sure you can still live up to any previous commitments you may have made.

Prepare a proposed schedule covering your daily responsibilities for home, work and extracurricular activities.

A job can be a great way to gain real-world experience and earn some extra money. You may even discover a new field of interest. If you think everything through ahead of time, you’ll be more apt to do a great job, gain even more experience and impress your employer.