Be careful with credit cards – Only use credit cards to buy things you know you can pay back. Pay off your balances in full and on time
Start a savings plan – By regularly putting away a little bit at a time, you’ll always have money saved
Create an entertainment budget – If money slips through your fingers, set a limit and stick to it. Include things like music, movies and games
Shop at second-hand stores – Check out cool vintage stores or surf eBay for great prices on used items like books, clothes and electronics
Apply for scholarships – Each year, billions of dollars in scholarships are awarded to students across the country. Start looking today!
Save money on gas – Walk or ride a bike. It’s cheaper and will help you stay healthy
Avoid “lazy” fees – Ever get charged $4 for a late rental return? Pay your bills on time and return rentals promptly to avoid unnecessary fees
Don’t forget student discounts – Look in your school’s newspaper or use Google to find available student discounts
Pack a lunch or cook at home – Eating out too much can drain your account… and add extra (unhealthy) pounds
Come to the Credit Union for all your financial needs – We offer great ways to save money on the financial services you need such as ATM access, online banking, car loans, credit cards and more!